Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's been a while...

Life has just been flying by since August. It started with a trip to G.P. for a wedding, then a bunch of stuff (is it a bad sign if I know we were busy but I can't remember at what?) ending with us purchasing a sailboat (finally!).

So, to catch up, in no particular order...

Visit to Uncle Joe

We went to visit Uncle Joe at his new place. He took us for a fast boat ride on the lake.Emma loved the wind in her hair.

We also had an amazing dinner at his restaurant. He had the pastry chef make Emma a special dessert... three cake bunnies!

I had to be quick to get the photos. The chocolate ears came off first.

In the end, the bunnies won!

Our visit to G.P.

Emma had a great time visiting the family, going to Uncle Earl and Aunt Amy's wedding and having (one of) her birthday party.