Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Renovation - Week 13

Skylights can be a pain in the butt. They let in all sorts of great light, but if they aren't installed properly, or are installed in the wrong location, they are a big source of roof leaks. As it turns out, our designer just stuck in skylights where she thought they'd look good, but didn't consider whether the location was actually practical. Fortunately, the framers know they're business and were very candid about the situation - if we'd insisted, they would have installed the skylights as shown in the plan, but given the low pitch of our roof and the number of valleys in it, we would be at high risk for leaks. So, after discussing things over with them, we've gone from 3 skylights down to 1 conventional skylight and a tubular skylight.

The skylight was installed this week, and the roofers installed the roof part of the tubular skylight. (The tubular skylight was a late add-on, so I did the rest of the install over the weekend. It goes into the bathroom since the bathroom no longer has a window.)

The framers also built the cover over the front entry. It also looks like they got a bit too enthusiastic gathering up their equipment because two of my ladders, a work bench, and two saw horses went AWOL. No real worries, our general contractor says they'll be replaced one way or another.

So we're definitely into the end game. All that's left for the outside is eaves trough, siding, and the back deck. On the inside, they're starting HVAC, plumbing, and electical. Once that's done, it's insulation and drywall and then we get the house back. Assuming no delays, our contractor expects us to be in painting by the first week of February!

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